Czech 1 1 3.1415 926 535 89 **************************************************** Lin a kapr u hraze prohledli si rybare udici mel novou jikrnaci neuplovou. Accented Text: TeX: L\'\i n a kapr u hr\'aze prohl\'edli si ryb\'a\v re udici m\v el novou jikrn\'a\v ci neuplovou. Translation: A tench and a carp at the dike overhauled the fisherman he had a new rod and line fish won't swim away. From: Stefan Porubsky 2 3.1415 926 **************************************************** Lin a kapr u hraze prohlizej si rybare. Translation: A tench and a carp near the dam have a look at a fisher. From: Vladimir Kracik Czech 2 3.141592653589 **************************************************** Jak a rada a prnda vozzralka ja byvala kazdy den vecer soustala ... From: J. Hajek Accents - Translation (word-by-word): Jak How a and ra'da glad (feminine gender) a and prnda ? voz*z*ralka drunkard (feminine), or drunken ja' I by'vala used to be (feminine) kaz*dy' every den day vec*er [in the] evening From: Vladimir Benko Translation: How glad and 'prnda' drunk I used to be every night diging with you (prnda = female untrans. slang) From: Martin Dobrucky Czech 3 1 3.14159265 35897 9323846 2643383279 **************************************************** Mam, o boze, o dobry, pamatovat si takovy cifer rad? Velky slovutny Ar(ch)imedes pomahej trapenemu. Dej mu moc nazpame(th) ne(ch)(th) odrika ty slavne sice, ale tak protivne nam, a(ch) cislice Ludolfovy! Accented Text: TeX: M\'am, \'o bo\v ze, \'o dobr\'y, pamatovat si takov\'y cifer \v rad? Velk\'y slovutn\'y Archim\'ed\'es pom\'ahej tr\'apen\'emu. Dej mu moc nazpam\v e\th \ nech\th \ od\v r\'\i ka ty slavn\'e sice, ale tak protivn\'e n\'am, ach \v c\'\i slice Ludolfovy! Translation: Shall I, Oh God, oh merciful remember such a number of ciphers(digits)? Great esteemed Archimedes help the worried (one). Give him the power to say by heart those althoug famous, but so wearly for us, Oh, Ludolf's digits. From: Stefan Porubsky 2 3.141592653 **************************************************** Mam o Boze o dobry pamatovat si takovy cisel rad. Accented Text: Ma'm o' Boz^e o' dobry' pamatovat si takovy' c^i'sel rad. The apostrophe means length of the vowel and should be over the character. The other sign ^ means a change of the consonant and it should be a "hacek" (this is a Czech word used by linguists even in English), i.e. it should be "upside down" (as a very little letter "v") and again over the corresponding letter. The change in pronounciation is: "z^" is pronounced as "j" in "journal", "c^" is pronounced as "cz" in "Czech". Comment: Its origin goes back to the times of the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy, probably the end of the last century. Its author is not known. Translation: Should I oh God oh gracious remember such a sequemce of numbers. (The number of words does not correspond since in Czech it is not necessary to use the pronoun "I" nor the article "a" and the preposition "of"; on the other hand, the verb "remember" requires the reflexive pronoun ("si" = "myself"). From: Jiri Jarnik